Amazing Nomads: Lucy Barnard – Making History

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World Nomads Podcast: Lucy Barnard

In this Amazing Nomads episode, we feature Australian Lucy Barnard who is on a mission to walk the entire length of the world, from Ushuaia Argentina to Barrow Alaska. If she completes it, she will become the first women to have done it.

What’s in the Episode

00:28 Mammoth effort

01:50 “…and then what happened?

03:00 “…It’s just really lucky I was wearing a helmet because there is no doubt that I’d be dead if I wasn’t wearing that helmet.”

04:30 Phil has a moment

06:54 Why people quit the walk

08:06 Putting the pooches through their paces

10:00 The challenges

11:50 “…I get to one town and I’m looked after by a bunch of life loving people. Then, I’m handed to the next community. I never thought that, that would be the most important part of this walk.”

14:50 Mum’s worried

15:35 “My sister got mugged twice…”

18:04 Footwear advice

21:39 Would Lucy do it again?

24:15 Another World Nomads scholarship opportunity

24:35 The end

Who is in the Episode

Lucy Barnard is an Australian adventurer on a mission to walk the entire length of the world.

“There is a moment between having an idea and acting on it, where you choose to do something. or you won’t…I decided to become the first woman to walk the length of the earth.

“It’s a 30 000 km trek from the southernmost point of South America to the highest point of Alaska. When I finish I will be the first woman, and one of only a handful to have ever completed it.

“I travel only by foot, or where the terrain is impassable, I swim or kayak.”

What makes Lucy’s story all that more remarkable is her recovery from an accident in which she had to learn to talk and walk again.

“…a ute pulled up to an intersection I was approaching. They saw me and stopped… waited for me to pass… waited… waited… and then made an error.”

Every step (and there will be 4 million of them, is document in her blog Tangles and Tail.

Apparently this is all you need to walk the entire length of the earth
Wombat as a puppy
Lucy and Flor have a special bond

Resources & Links

Scholarships Newsletter: Sign up for scholarships news and see what opportunities are live here.

The 2019 Travel Writing Scholarship to Portugal is now open and applications close on March 13th– for all the details and to enter go to

For information on ArmaSkin, the blister preventing socks Lucy wears, click here where you will also see their interview with Lucy for their web page.

More on the Great Cycle Challenge, aiming to beat kids’ cancer here.

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Next Episode: Malaysia

About World Nomads & the Podcast

Explore your boundaries and discover your next adventure with The World Nomads Podcast. Hosted by Podcast Producer Kim Napier and World Nomads Phil Sylvester, each episode will take you around the world with insights into destinations from travelers and experts. They’ll share the latest in travel news, answer your travel questions and fill you in on what World Nomads is up to, including the latest scholarships and guides.

World Nomads is a fast-growing online travel company that provides inspiration, advice, safety tips and specialized travel insurance for independent, volunteer and student travelers traveling and studying most anywhere in the world. Our online global travel insurance covers travelers from more than 135 countries and allows you to buy and claim online, 24/7, even while already traveling.

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You can get in touch with us by emailing podcast@worldnomads.comFull Transcript of the EpisodeBy Kim Napier,World Nomads Contributor – Tue, 30 Jan 2018 – 1299 views