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 There is a moment between having an idea and acting on it, when you choose to do something or you won’t… I decided to become the first woman to walk the length of the earth.

It’s a 30 000 km trek from the southernmost point of South America to the highest point of Alaska. When I finish I will be the first woman, and one of only a handful of people to have ever completed it.

I travel only by foot, or where there are ocean crossings, I swim or kayak.

In 2022 I became the first woman to have hiked the length of South America (from Argentina to Colombia) and am still in pursuit of becoming the first to walk the length of the Earth.


It bugged me that in the 35 years since it was first completed, no women had achieved the same feat… so I began planning.

Officially, three men have walked from Argentina to Alaska, and approximately 10 have walked their own variations but… only one (the first) has walked from the polar most extreme cities – This is what I have undertaken.

Five years on (excluding the pandemic pause), I’ve walked the length of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and have almost completed the Continental USA .

Some say it’s an impossible task – but the way I see it is: if he can, I can too.

Closing barriers is one part, but I also started this project for the experience and to see how far I could go. I wanted to attempt something only achieved by a handful of people and I wanted to live adventurously, travel, and have a story to tell.

I share these stories for prosperity and for insight into what the journey is like. I’m honest and I go into depth about the life I’m living, while on a path few have walked because above everything else, I’d like to contribute towards how women are revered by our children.


I travel only by foot or where the terrain is unpassable, I swim or kayak. I am self supported, sleep in a tent, am responsible for navigation and logistics, all without an on-road support team. I do have a bunch of friends who help out when I need a new pair of tights sent over, or some other weird logistics. I also turn to them, my family, and the community on social media for support when adventure life becomes mentally tough.

From where to where

Watch the animation!

Even though I mapped out the trail (way back when)… I’ve never stuck to it!

How far have you walked so far

20,000 km from Ushuaia Argentina to Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming USA.

Are you walking on your own


That said, friends have joined me on the trail but because of the speed I need to travel with visa restrictions, most opt to catch me in town for a fun rest break instead.

What about your dog

Wombat is a Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) who started walking with me at 3 months of age. True to the breed, he is high energy, adventurous and cheeky. Sometimes stubborn, sometimes fierce, he is a quick learner, loves playing frisbee, anything that squeaks, and sneaking into my sleeping bag when I’m not looking. 

Pairs of shoes to date


What do you eat

I’m a coeliac so this gets tricky. I am limited by what’s in town and sometimes that means glutenfully-delicious shelf stable food because I’ve either run out of stove fuel and can’t buy more or there aren’t gf options.

In a typical day I’ll eat: oats, an apple, peanuts, and a main. It isn’t much but I found removing sugar from my diet has stopped me from getting hungry – so I carry less in my pack and then delight in bamboozling the local vendors when I gorge myself in town!

Average steps per day

45 000 – 65 000 (30 – 40km per day)

Steps the whole way

40 000 000 – or 1/3 the distance an average person will walk in their lifetime.


I began on the 19th of February 2017. It will take another 2 years to complete (7 years in total if you minus time out due to COVID).


30 000kms – the equivalent of 1/6 the average distance a person will walk in their lifetime.


I was born in 1982


Cold: I’ve endured -17°C in a snowstorm.
Hot: The Atacama Desert has been recorded to reach 50°C (122°F), and
Altitude: I have reached heights above 5 100M (16732ft).m in Peru.

The world record

On completion I will be the first woman to walk the length of the world; first completed by George Meegan in 1982. George holds the Guinness record for: The longest unbroken march of all time.


Wouldn’t it be great if my journey had an impact on others?

Whether it be for entertainment or towards another crazy pursuit, you can help make that happen. Join the community, sign up for notifications on my social pages, share the posts you enjoy and if you would like to get more involved visit my wish list!

See you out there,
Lucy + Wombat


  • Hein Eigenhuis

    Hey Lucy , I heard you on the radio a day or two ago. Your story resonated with me a lot. You are great for going for it , you must miss wombat a huge amount. I will walk with you in spirit. And will my dog Kodi a three legged bluey who never gives up.

  • Hi Lucy – have just been listening to you on the ABC Radio in Sydney – you are a truly insprirational woman & I wish you every success with this incredible challange – look forward to hearing about your amazing travels – all the very best – cheers

  • marcio jose albino

    Hello! My english language no is very good, but I admire you and i have sure that you will end this adventure for the world with succesfull…

  • Kieron Mills

    Hi Lucy
    Saw you on the ABC news this morning, you are amazing,.
    I am going to follow you for the rest of your journey
    You must be having an amazing adventure
    Well done, enjoy and good luck

  • Good luck Lucy…. saw your interview on the ABC this Sunday morning Dec 30th 2018. Then read about your accident before you decided to do this walk….!!! Do you listen to music at lonely times…???

  • Yes!! But more so I now listen to audiobooks from my old local library! I love it!!

  • Thanks so much!!!

  • Muchelle

    Amazing – go girl!

  • Thanks!!!!!!!

  • Robert Harrison

    Hi Lucy, just saw you on the ABC. What a great adventure, you have inspired me to fulfill my dream as a sea gypsy, living on my 12mtr sail boat. Starting late at 63 but hope to have 20 years to see how far I can get. Thank you for the inspiration and good luck to you and Wombat. Xo

  • I really love hearing stories like this! Thanks for sharing!!!

  • Robyn Dear

    Dear Lucy, saw your story on ABC breakfast show. How AMAZING ARE YOU? Bless your beautiful heart for inspiring so many with each step you take. I admire your spirit and tenacity. The photos you post are extraordinary, such landscapes are one of the up sides of your adventure I imagine. Love that you are listening to audio books to keep you entertained while you walk. My nephew walked the entire 1000kms of the Biblimum Track at the age of 18 as his own rite of passage into manhood. I thought that was brave. You are taking that to a whole new level. I have been fighting my way back from spinal injury and can walk and talk again after finding a brave doctor to help me. Never thought it was possible, he believed even when I lost hope. I believed when he was feeling despair. We worked hard together to prove it was possible. Bless his brave heart for never giving up on me. It is a gift just to be able to walk from my bedroom to the kitchen and hang out my own clothes, so I am in AWE of your choice to walk from one end of the world to the other. Like HELLO……totally beyond my comprehension. I wish you well in your journey. You are a champion ALREADY. Your beaming smile will travel with me and will inspire me to reach beyond where I am into something I never imagined possible.

  • Love your work Lucy, enjoying following your amazing trek.

  • Hullo Lucy. I just saw you being interviewed on ABC TV (Sunday morning here in Oz) – and I love what I saw. Your spirit and your shine. Must admit I also have huge doses of envy. Take care, be safe, and you now have one more person providing some mental good vibes to follow you.

  • Good luck. Just saw your beautiful interview live on ABC Australia Sunday morning show. Keep it up. We are all behind you.

  • Wow! Go girl! Got your story from Backpacking Light and look foward to following you on this incredible journey. Awesome.

  • Hi Lucy, I saw your story on TV this morning (Perth Western Australia) so inspiring, your exuberant energy leapt out from the screen, I wish you every success in this awe inspiring journey – Best Wishes, Rayleen & Brea (my dog)

  • Just seen you on ABC .. what a fantastic challenge. Look forward to following your journey. Good luck from Perth

  • Jonathan

    Luce! What’s been the highlight of the day so far!? I just quit my job & am desperate to walk A to A; thanks for carving a path; please hide me some chocolates.

  • Saw ya story on ABC news this morning. Looks like an awesome adventure, really hope ya make it! Your an inspiration!

  • Colin Cameron

    Gees Lucy , I first read of your adventure just today via the ABC News and was blown away by your delightful approach , incredible determination , self effacing humour , oh bugger it … everything you are doing … WTF …!!! I wish you great happiness and love , you are amazing , I mean REALLY amazing .

  • Rice david

    Hi Lucy – I really admire you on many many levels – stay safe david

  • Just saw your interview on ABC sunday morning breakfast show. You’re a force to be reckoned with! Totally rooting for you girl! Enjoy your adventure.

  • Good luck Lucy. It will be an awesome trip.

  • Richard Rheinberger

    Hi Lucy – saw your story on channel nine news is Sydney – really interested in your journey and very interested if I understand correctly that you are taking your dog – is this correct?

    Warm regards


  • Thanks!!!!

  • Thanks Carole, I’ll post all about it if I pull it off 🙂

  • Thanks heaps Sarah!! Right back at you!

  • GOOD LUCK!!! What an amazing challenge – looking forward to following your journey!

  • Hi Richard!! Not quite, after I have been here a few months I will look into picking one up over here. But first I have to find my rhythm and make sure my body can hold up to the challenge. It’s still early days.

  • Well it’s nice to meet you Helen!!
    I started yesterday and recommence on the 21st or 22nd. You can track my progress from the map and track page in the navigation side bar.

  • That’s awesome Mick! Yep, the team there have been super helpful!!

  • robsimons48

    Good luck Lucy , from someone who has done some long hikes but nothing like what you have set yourself. Lots of planning would have to go into this .Love to hear a gear& clothing list. Hope those Armaskin socks keep the blisters away.


    I’ll be sure to do that when I’m on my way to El Calafate… no doubt the list will have changed by then… it certainly has under gone a few adjustments already!!


  • Olly Woolrych

    Hey Lucy, Great thing your doing. That winter your currently trekking through looks pretty nasty. I ran from Mexico to Panama in 2015, I can tell you that you will be wishing for snow once more when you are up there. Crazy Hot!!! I was only out there for 7 months but the biggest think I learnt was to not wish away the kms, I know it can be hard at times and all you want to do is be 100kms ahead of where you are….but, this is a once in a life time adventure. enjoy every step!

  • Thanks Olly! You’re right… Sometimes that’ll be tough but I agree ☝️

    Thanks for getting in touch! Are you still adventuring?!

  • Thanks Thomas!! Keep checking in every now and again… and if you have any ideas, let me know!

  • Thanks!! … I checked out your site. New knees are expensive – I better take care of the ones I have!!!

  • You don’t know me but I’m behind your journey! When are you leaving on your trek? Best of luck! X

  • Hola lucy me llamó Mario. Me crucé con vos en octubre, sobre un puente en el lago Rivadavia, yo en dirección al sur y tu al norte, ya regresé a mi casa en Santa Fe, pero si necesitas compañía para el viaje te alcazo de toque. Espero estés bien. Un abrazo. The World is crazy

  • Great meeting you too!!

  • Hi Blake, there are some covered in the blog but if you’re after something specific send me an email. Cheers, L

  • Hi could i get information about the hardships that were (or will be) endured

  • Esteban

    Lucy after meet you in la alcaldesa square with wombat a few minutes ago I will wish you get the goal and then to became in the first women to reach this BIG challenge and I would like to see you again

  • Thanks so much Kat!!!

  • Hola! Espero que estés bien! Gracias por ponerse en contacto. Manténgase seguro en sus viajes!

  • Amazing! Good luck Lucy!

  • Thinking of you Lucy as you head off. Good luck catching bunnies…

  • Hey All the Best !! amazing challenge.

  • HAHA!!! Thanks so much!! xo I look forward to hearing from you all along the way

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